Construction Management
We offer our technical expertise and experience in diverse practice areas to improve the overall delivery process. In addition to our design services, Equagen also works within alternative delivery systems such as design-build and construction management at risk. The firm’s creative approach to understand constructability, engineering, and years of experience with alternative delivery methods, and ability to self-perform key construction management activities, ensures that projects are not only delivered safely and within schedule and budget parameters, but exceed client expectations.
Constructability Reviews:
Success for every infrastructure project depends on the quality and coordination of the bid documents, specifications, and drawings. The Equagen team of construction engineers helps clients achieve optimal project performance by completing a review of the design documents coupled with a site visit to ensure constructability. These constructability reviews help identify conflicts and/or issues with the design, specifications, and bid documents that could potentially lead to cost increase during construction via change orders, conflicts, and other factors.
Development Compliance Inspections:
Our team of engineers are experts in private development plan review and construction inspection. Our aim is to function as a seamless extension of our client agency staff including planning, community development, engineering, and public works. Our team of engineers and inspectors help facilitate pre-construction meetings, construction inspection for underground utilities and roadway improvements, witness and coordinate utility testing for acceptance, erosion control inspections, punch list inspections, review of record drawings, project closeout and acceptance by the local agency.
Permit Compliance Inspections:
Our team has a team of engineers with a wealth of experience in completing permit compliance inspections for various local agencies.
Pre-Construction Services:
Equagen strives to start every construction engineering project in a well-organized and effective manner to ensure that each project has a successful outcome. We help facilitate contract document preparation, development of pre-construction meeting agendas, and coordination with the selected contractor, and we run the pre-construction meeting on behalf of our clients. Our team of construction experts can also conduct contractor site walk throughs and coordinate staging areas prior to the start of construction.