Substation engineering services encompass a range of specialized engineering activities and expertise related to the planning, design, construction, and maintenance of electrical substations. Electrical substations play a critical role in the transmission and distribution of electrical power, converting high-voltage electricity from power generation sources into lower voltages suitable for distribution to homes, businesses, and industries. These services are essential for ensuring the reliable and efficient operation of the electrical grid. Our services in substation engineering include:
Feasibility Studies
Site Selection and Evaluation
Design and Engineering: Developing detailed engineering plans and designs for substations, including electrical, civil, structural, seismic, and protection and control systems.
Equipment Specification: Selecting and specifying the various components of substations, including transformers, circuit breakers, switchgear, and control systems.
Seismic Qualification: Ensuring that substation equipment meet IEEE 693 requirements based on the seismic hazard map.
Project Management: Overseeing all aspects of substation development, including scheduling, budgeting, procurement, and construction management.
Grid Integration/Studies: Ensuring that substations seamlessly integrate into the existing electrical grid, including managing voltage levels, fault protection, and grid stability.
Substation Commissioning: Testing and commissioning substations to ensure that they operate safely and efficiently before being put into service.
Safety Compliance: Ensuring that substations meet safety standards to protect personnel working in or around the facility.
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Our transmission line engineers bring proven expertise to handle engineering design and services. Sound economical design comes from our understanding of the behaviors of concrete, steel, wood and masonry. Technical experts at Equagen have the knowledge to updated structures with new technologies and seamless tools to do effective design. Our services include complete overhead or underground transmission design packages for new, upgrade or demolition projects including Electrical, Civil, Environmental and Protection packages. Our engineers work with state-of-the-art software, such as PLS-CADD, PLS-Tower, PLS-Pole, MFAD, RISA Foundation, and LPILE. These software enables us to manage projects from conceptual planning through construction, startup, and testing.
Our Transmission Experience Includes:
Project Specifications/Design Criteria
Overhead and Underground Line Planning and Design
High Voltage Line Design up to 765 kV
Re-rating and Upgrading Analysis and Design
Fiber Optic Cable Design
Construction Specifications and Standards
Interconnection requests and system impact studies
Construction Estimating and Support
Structural Design and Analysis of Wood and Steel Poles/Towers
Foundation Design & Analysis
Tower Spotting
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Our team of engineers specializes in the intricate and vital realm of distribution engineering. We possess a wealth of knowledge and experience to provide comprehensive engineering design and services tailored to the distribution sector. Our dedication to crafting efficient and cost-effective designs is a result of our deep understanding of various materials and their behaviors, including concrete, steel, wood, and masonry. We are well-versed in the latest technologies and tools, allowing us to deliver cutting-edge solutions.
Our broad range of services covers the complete spectrum of distribution systems, including new installations, upgrades, and even decommissioning projects. We offer expertise in Electrical, Civil, Environmental, and Protection packages to ensure that your distribution infrastructure is reliable, resilient, and future-ready. Our engineers are equipped with state-of-the-art software, such as SPIDA, ETAP, CYME, AutoCAD, PSS®E, and DIgSILENT PowerFactory, enabling us to manage projects from initial conceptualization through construction, commissioning, and operational testing.
Power Distribution Design and Engineering Services
Distribution Overhead and Underground Design
Pole Loading and Structural Analysis
DOT Highway Project Design
Line Relocation and Reconductoring
Feeder Hardening (Storm & Fire)
System Studies and Reliability Planning
Joint Use Management Services
Pole Attachment Audits and Inventories
Safety Compliance Inspections and Remediation
Application Permitting and Make-Ready Design
Post Construction Inspections
Contract Negotiation and Administration
Pole Attachment Transfer Management
Facilities and Asset Management Services
System Inventories and Inspections
Outdoor Lighting Inventory and Account Reconciliation
Pole/Pad-Mount Inspections
GIS Mapping and Consulting
Storm Restoration Services
Storm Damage Assessment and Recovery
Wires Down Standby Services
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Feasibility Studies: Assessing the viability of renewable energy projects-solar, wind, or distributed generation projects, considering factors like resource availability (e.g., sunlight, wind, biomass), economic feasibility, and regulatory requirements.
Site Assessment and Selection: Identifying suitable locations for renewable energy installations, such as solar farms, wind turbines, hydroelectric plants, and biomass facilities.
Design and Engineering: Developing detailed engineering plans and designs for renewable energy systems, whether they're new, expansions, or upgrades, encompassing various aspects, such as Electrical, Civil, Environmental, and Protection components. Furthermore, we handle interconnection requests and conduct system impact studies.
Environmental Impact Assessment: Evaluating and mitigating the potential environmental impacts of renewable energy projects to ensure compliance with regulations and sustainability goals.
Permitting and Regulatory Compliance: Navigating the complex regulatory landscape to secure the necessary permits and approvals for renewable energy projects.
Project Management: Overseeing all aspects of project development, including scheduling, budgeting, procurement, and construction management. We also manage the acquisition and design of material and equipment laydown yards.
Technology Selection: Recommending and integrating the appropriate renewable energy technologies based on project requirements and resource availability, such as photovoltaic panels, wind turbines, hydropower systems, or bioenergy solutions.
Grid Integration: Ensuring seamless integration of renewable energy systems into the existing electrical grid, including managing grid connections, power quality, and grid stability.
Energy Storage: Designing and implementing utility scale energy storage solutions like batteries to store excess renewable energy for use during periods of low generation.
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We offer our technical expertise and experience in diverse practice areas to improve the overall delivery process. In addition to our design services, Equagen also works within alternative delivery systems such as design-build and construction management at risk. The firm’s creative approach to understand constructability, engineering, and years of experience with alternative delivery methods, and ability to self-perform key construction management activities, ensures that projects are not only delivered safely and within schedule and budget parameters, but exceed client expectations.
Constructability Reviews:
Success for every infrastructure project depends on the quality and coordination of the bid documents, specifications, and drawings. The Equagen team of construction engineers helps clients achieve optimal project performance by completing a review of the design documents coupled with a site visit to ensure constructability. These constructability reviews help identify conflicts and/or issues with the design, specifications, and bid documents that could potentially lead to cost increase during construction via change orders, conflicts, and other factors.
Development Compliance Inspections:
Our team of engineers are experts in private development plan review and construction inspection. Our aim is to function as a seamless extension of our client agency staff including planning, community development, engineering, and public works. Our team of engineers and inspectors help facilitate pre-construction meetings, construction inspection for underground utilities and roadway improvements, witness and coordinate utility testing for acceptance, erosion control inspections, punch list inspections, review of record drawings, project closeout and acceptance by the local agency.
Permit Compliance Inspections:
Our team has a team of engineers with a wealth of experience in completing permit compliance inspections for various local agencies.
Pre-Construction Services:
Equagen strives to start every construction engineering project in a well-organized and effective manner to ensure that each project has a successful outcome. We help facilitate contract document preparation, development of pre-construction meeting agendas, and coordination with the selected contractor, and we run the pre-construction meeting on behalf of our clients. Our team of construction experts can also conduct contractor site walk throughs and coordinate staging areas prior to the start of construction.
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We design, manufacture, test and integrate custom-designed control panels for your specific needs - treating projects of every size with the same dedication of excellence and workmanship.
Our control solutions include utility and industrial systems from 69kV up to 800kV AIS and GIS Controls.
Our custom engineered control solutions are built to meet the most stringent customer design criteria including control panels that meet UL 508A, UL 589A and UL 698 certification, and US Utility Standard & Procedures for safe and reliable operation.
Proficient in manufacturing using Cold Rolled Steel, Stainless Steel and Aluminum enclosures.
Highly flexible to changing requirements.
Highly responsive proposing design changes with alternate parts when special needs are required by our customers.
Ability to handle all sizes of projects to the customer.
Experienced, High Quality technical capabilities to provide cutting-edge assembly and wiring practices and reliable testing.
Our comprehensive range of power distribution, control and instrumentation systems covers all elements of power and control systems including HV/MV manufacturing of:
GIS Local Control Cabinets
PLC Control Panels
Motor Control Centers
Protection & Control Panels
Power Distribution Panels
Automated Transfer Switches
AC DC Panels
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