Transmission Engineering
Our transmission line engineers bring proven expertise to handle engineering design and services. Sound economical design comes from our understanding of the behaviors of concrete, steel, wood and masonry. Technical experts at Equagen have the knowledge to updated structures with new technologies and seamless tools to do effective design. Our services include complete overhead or underground transmission design packages for new, upgrade or demolition projects including Electrical, Civil, Environmental and Protection packages. Our engineers work with state-of-the-art software, such as PLS-CADD, PLS-Tower, PLS-Pole, MFAD, RISA Foundation, and LPILE. These software enables us to manage projects from conceptual planning through construction, startup, and testing.
Our Transmission Experience Includes:
- Project Specifications/Design Criteria
- Overhead and Underground Line Planning and Design
- High Voltage Line Design up to 765 kV
- Re-rating and Upgrading Analysis and Design
- Fiber Optic Cable Design
- Construction Specifications and Standards
- Interconnection requests and system impact studies
- Construction Estimating and Support
- Structural Design and Analysis of Wood and Steel Poles/Towers
- Foundation Design & Analysis
- Tower Spotting